Legacy Family Center knows how important it is to stay focused on our objectives and provide services to our community. This requires identifying and always reevaluating the community's needs to ensure we develop programs and projects geared at fulfilling those needs.

Intensify and build LFC’s internal infrastructure to support its mission optimally, especially office space.
Expand the capacity of our organization to validate refugee and the immigrant experience.
Educate our littlest ones by obtaining and managing a good supply of engaging books so they become voracious readers and develop a love of a lifelong learning.
Offer academic and career exploration opportunities to lift the next generation's spirits so they may hold fast to a life full of confidence, curiosity, social, emotional, and financial responsibility and define for themselves what happiness and success means to them.
Provide physical and mental health and wellness education and share prevention strategies to build and restore health.
Increase accessibility to appropriate, affordable social services that positively impact the day-to-day living and health outcomes for individuals, families, and the community.
Grow Our Vision
Legacy Family Center believes in the strength and wisdom of our community, allies, and partners. Together we can develop the solutions, resources, and responsibility to create the shifts and change needed to impact our community. Singly, we tap into our talents; however, collectively, we contribute to building community capacity, growth, and self-sufficiency. We are always open to fresh ideas, collaborations, and partnerships. Let's envision our work...together.